Thursday, December 30, 2010

Le Rugby!

Yesterday we took a bus from San Sebastian, Spain to Bayonne, France. We'll write about San Sebastian in a couple days - too many photos and awesomeness to process right now. After getting settled in the hotel we decided to go for a quick walk around before sunset.
We found hordes of drunken, light-blue clad rugby fans roving the streets and spilling out of the bars. Rugby is a huge deal in southwestern France so we decided to see if we could get tickets to the match. We followed the masses to the stadium and found tickets for the "Pelouse" (lawn) section were only €10. How can you pass that up? The pelouse sections are standing areas located at the four corners of the field. We got there early enough to score spots up front on the rail. Neither of us know anything about how to play rugby. We didn't really learn anything by watching, but it was great fun. Here is a video of the 12,000 seated and untold standing Aviron Bayonnais fans singing their rouser.

Below is the guy who was standing to Lia's right. He's so stereotypically Basque-French it makes you want to weep. Or sing along with him, cause he's got a great voice.
"Allez! Allez! Les bleus et blancs de l'Aviron Bayonnais..."

Here's a too-dark photo of us.

Aviron Bayonnais beat Toulon 20-9.

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